It’s a great rapid prototyping tool because prototypes don’t need to be scrapped to proceed with fleshing out the application if a prototype proves itself.
best practices, Rails-like scaffolding, an interactive shell, no additional
run-time dependencies, and a big productivity boost while not locking you into
yet another framework. You can re-use your existing Spring/JPA/Hibernate
knowledge, while getting the productivity gains from Roo.
The audience for this document is:
Application Designer
Application Developer
Spring ROO Commands
You can create
entities either via Roo or your IDE.
Using the Roo
shell is fast and easy, especially thanks to the TAB completion.
Start by typing
'ent' and then hitting TAB twice.
Enter the
--class in the form '~.domain.MyEntityClassName'
In Roo, '~'
means the --topLevelPackage you specified via 'create project'.
After specify a
--class argument, press SPACE then TAB. Note nothing appears.
Because nothing
appears, it means you've entered all mandatory arguments.
optional arguments do exist for this command (and most others in Roo).
To see the
optional arguments, type '--' and then hit TAB. Mostly you won't need any
optional arguments, but let's select the --testAutomatically option
And hit ENTER.
You can always use this approach to view optional arguments.
Some of the Spring ROO Commands
which will be useful to create and manage project.
Controller Command
i. controller all
controllers for all project entities without an existing controller -
deprecated, use 'web mvc setup' + 'web mvc all' instead
all --package
The package in which new
controllers will be placed; no default value (mandatory)
a new scaffold Controller (i.e. where we maintain CRUD automatically) -
deprecated, use 'web mvc scaffold' instead
scaffold --class
The path and name of the
controller object to be created; no default value (mandatory)
The name of the entity
object which the controller exposes to the web tier; default if option not
present: '*'
The base path under
which the controller listens for RESTful requests (defaults to the simple name
of the form backing object); no default value
A comma separated list
of operations (only create, update, delete allowed) that should not be
generated in the controller; no default value
a new manual Controller (i.e. where you write the methods) - deprecated, use
'web mvc controller' instead
class --class
The path and name of the
controller object to be created; no default value (mandatory)
Indicates a specific request
mapping path for this controller (e.g. /foo/); no default value
Jpa Commands
Commands are contained in org.springframework.roo.addon.jpa.JpaCommands.
Shows database configuration
database properties list
This command does not accept any
For example : database properties list
Removes a particular database
database properties remove --key
The property key that should be
removed; no default value (mandatory).
Changes a particular database
database properties set --key --value
The property key that should be
changed; no default value (mandatory)
The new value for this property
key; no default value (mandatory)
For example : database properties set --key database.url
--value jdbc:hsqldb:/home/balex/our-wedding
Creates a new Java class source
file with the JPA @Embeddable annotation in SRC_MAIN_JAVA
embeddable --class
The name of the class to create;
no default value (mandatory)
Whether the generated class should
implement; default if option present: 'true'; default if
option not present: 'false'
Indicates whether reserved words
are ignored by Roo; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not
present: 'false'
V. entity jpa
Creates a new JPA persistent
entity in SRC_MAIN_JAVA.
entity jpa --class
Name of the entity to create; no
default value (mandatory)
The superclass (defaults to
java.lang.Object); default if option not present: 'java.lang.Object'
Whether the generated class should
be marked as abstract; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not
present: 'false'
Create automatic integration tests
for this entity; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not
present: 'false'
The JPA table name to use for this
entity; no default value
The JPA table schema name to use
for this entity; no default value
The JPA table catalog name to use
for this entity; no default value
The JPA identifier field name to
use for this entity; no default value
The JPA identifier field column to
use for this entity; no default value
The data type that will be used
for the JPA identifier field (defaults to java.lang.Long); default:
The JPA version field name to use
for this entity; no default value
The JPA version field column to
use for this entity; no default value
The data type that will be used
for the JPA version field (defaults to java.lang.Integer); default if option
not present: 'java.lang.Integer'
The JPA @Inheritance value (apply
to base class); no default value
Apply @MappedSuperclass for this
entity; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present:
Whether the generated class should
implement equals and hashCode methods; default if option present: 'true';
default if option not present: 'false'
Whether the generated class should
implement; default if option present: 'true'; default if
option not present: 'false'
The persistence unit name to be
used in the persistence.xml file; no default value
The transaction manager name; no
default value
Indicates whether reserved words
are ignored by Roo; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not
present: 'false'
The name used to refer to the
entity in queries; no default value
The name of the sequence for
incrementing sequence-driven primary keys; no default value
Generate CRUD active record
methods for this entity; default: 'true'
example : entity jpa
--class ~.domain.Topping –testAutomatically
VI. jpa setup
Install or updates a JPA persistence provider in your project
jpa setup --provider --database
The persistence provider to
support; no default value (mandatory)
The database to support; no
default value (mandatory)
The Google App Engine application
identifier to use; default if option not present: 'the project's name'
The JNDI datasource to use; no
default value
The host name to use; no default
The database name to use; no default
The username to use; no default
The password to use; no default
The transaction manager name; no
default value
The persistence unit name to be
used in the persistence.xml file; no default value
For example : jpa setup --provider HIBERNATE
Install or updates a JPA
persistence provider in your project - deprecated, use 'jpa setup' instead
persistence setup --provider --database
The persistence provider to
support; no default value (mandatory)
The database to support; no
default value (mandatory)
The Google App Engine application
identifier to use; default if option not present: 'the project's name'
The JNDI datasource to use; no
default value
The host name to use; no default
The database name to use; no
default value
The username to use; no default
The password to use; no default
The transaction manager name; no
default value
The persistence unit name to be
used in the persistence.xml file; no default value
example : persistence setup –provider DATANUCLEUS –database
3. Field Commands
Field Commands are contained in
i.field boolean
a private boolean field to an existing Java source file.
field boolean --fieldName
The name of the field to add; no
default value (mandatory)
The name of the class to receive
this field; default if option not present: '*'
Whether this value cannot be null;
default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'
Whether this value must be null;
default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'
Whether this value must assert
false; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present:
Whether this value must assert
true; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'
The JPA @Column name; no default
Inserts an optional Spring @Value annotation
with the given content; no default value
An optional comment for JavaDocs;
no default value
Indicates to use a primitive type;
default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'
Indicates to mark the field as
transient; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present:
Indicates whether reserved words
are ignored by Roo; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not
present: 'false'
For example : field boolean --fieldName
enabled --notNull true
ii. field date
Adds a private date field to an existing Java
source file.
field date --fieldName --type
The name of the field to add; no
default value (mandatory)
The Java type of the entity; no
default value (mandatory)
The type of persistent storage to
be used; no default value
The name of the class to receive
this field; default if option not present: '*'
Whether this value cannot be null;
default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'
Whether this value must be null;
default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'
Whether this value must be in the
future; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present:
Whether this value must be in the
past; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'
The JPA @Column name; no default
An optional comment for JavaDocs;
no default value
Inserts an optional Spring @Value
annotation with the given content; no default value
Indicates to mark the field as
transient; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present:
Indicates whether reserved words
are ignored by Roo; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not
present: 'false'
Indicates the style of the date
format (ignored if dateTimeFormatPattern is specified); default: 'MEDIUM'
Indicates the style of the time
format (ignored if dateTimeFormatPattern is specified); default: 'NONE'
Indicates a DateTime format
pattern such as yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss a; no default value
For example : field date --fieldName
deliveryDate --type java.util.Date
iii.field email template
Inserts a MailTemplate
field into an existing type.
field email template
The name of the field to add;
default: 'mailTemplate'
The name of the class to receive
this field; default if option not present: '*'
Indicates if the injected method
should be executed asynchronously; default if option present: 'true'; default
if option not present: 'false'
For example :field email template --class
iV.field embedded
Adds a private @Embedded field to an existing
Java source file.
field embedded --fieldName --type
The name of the field to add; no
default value (mandatory)
The Java type of the @Embeddable
class; no default value (mandatory)
The name of the @Entity class to
receive this field; default if option not present: '*'
Indicates whether reserved words
are ignored by Roo; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not
present: 'false'
For example : field embedded --fieldName
preferences --type com.example.domain.UserPreference --class
V. field enum
Adds a private enum field to an existing Java
source file.
field enum --fieldName --type
The name of the field to add; no
default value (mandatory)
The enum type of this field; no
default value (mandatory)
The name of the class to receive
this field; default if option not present: '*'
The JPA @Column name; no default
Whether this value cannot be null;
default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'
Whether this value must be null;
default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'
The fetch semantics at a JPA
level; no default value
An optional comment for JavaDocs;
no default value
Indicates to mark the field as
transient; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present:
Indicates whether reserved words
are ignored by Roo; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not
present: 'false'
For example : field enum --fieldName color
--type ~.domain.Colors
VI.field file
Adds a byte array field for storing uploaded
file contents (JSF-scaffolded UIs only).
field file --fieldName --contentType
The name of the file upload field
to add; no default value (mandatory)
The name of the class to receive
this field; default if option not present: '*'
The content type of the file; no
default value (mandatory)
Whether the file is uploaded
automatically when selected; default if option present: 'true'; default if
option not present: 'false'
The JPA @Column name; no default
Whether this value cannot be null;
default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'
Indicates whether reserved words
are ignored by Roo; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not
present: 'false'
VII. field jms template
Insert a JmsOperations field into an existing
field jms template
The name of the field to add;
default: 'jmsOperations'
The name of the class to receive
this field; default if option not present: '*'
Indicates if the injected method
should be executed asynchronously; z
VIII. field number
a private numeric field to an existing Java source file.
field number --fieldName --type
The name of the field to add; no
default value (mandatory)
The Java type of the entity; no
default value (mandatory)
The name of the class to receive
this field; default if option not present: '*'
Whether this value cannot be null;
default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'
Whether this value must be null;
default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'
The BigDecimal string-based
representation of the minimum value; no default value
The BigDecimal string based
representation of the maximum value; no default value
Maximum number of integral digits
accepted for this number; no default value
Maximum number of fractional
digits accepted for this number; no default value
The minimum value; no default
The maximum value; no default
The JPA @Column name; no default
An optional comment for JavaDocs;
no default value
Inserts an optional Spring @Value
annotation with the given content; no default value
Indicates to mark the field as
transient; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present:
Indicates to use a primitive type
if possible; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present:
Indicates whether to mark the
field with a unique constraint; default if option present: 'true'; default if
option not present: 'false'
Indicates whether reserved words
are ignored by Roo; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not
present: 'false'
example : field number --fieldName price --type java.lang.Float
IX. field other
Inserts a private field into the specified
field other --fieldName --type
The name of the field; no default
value (mandatory)
The Java type of this field; no
default value (mandatory)
The name of the class to receive
this field; default if option not present: '*'
Whether this value cannot be null;
default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'
Whether this value must be null;
default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'
An optional comment for JavaDocs;
no default value
The JPA @Column name; no default
Inserts an optional Spring @Value
annotation with the given content; no default value
Indicates to mark the field as
transient; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present:
Indicates whether reserved words
are ignored by Roo; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not
present: 'false'
X. field reference
a private reference field to an existing Java source file (eg the 'many' side
of a many-to-one).
field reference --fieldName --type
The name of the field to add; no
default value (mandatory)
The Java type of the entity to
reference; no default value (mandatory)
The name of the class to receive
this field; default if option not present: '*'
Whether this value cannot be null;
default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'
Whether this value must be null;
default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'
The JPA @JoinColumn name; no
default value
The JPA @JoinColumn referencedColumnName;
no default value
The relationship cardinality at a
JPA level; default: 'MANY_TO_ONE'
The fetch semantics at a JPA
level; no default value
An optional comment for JavaDocs;
no default value
Indicates to mark the field as
transient; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present:
Indicates whether reserved words
are ignored by Roo; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present:
For example : field
reference --fieldName base --type ~.domain.Base
XI. field set
a private Set field to an existing Java source file (eg the 'one' side of a
field set --fieldName --type
The name of the field to add; no
default value (mandatory)
The entity which will be contained
within the Set; no default value (mandatory)
The name of the class to receive
this field; default if option not present: '*'
The field name on the referenced
type which owns the relationship; no default value
Whether this value cannot be null;
default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'
Whether this value must be null;
default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'
The minimum number of elements in
the collection; no default value
The maximum number of elements in
the collection; no default value
The relationship cardinality at a
JPA level; default: 'MANY_TO_MANY'
The fetch semantics at a JPA
level; no default value
An optional comment for JavaDocs;
no default value
Indicates to mark the field as
transient; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present:
Indicates whether reserved words
are ignored by Roo; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not
present: 'false'
example : field
set --fieldName toppings --type ~.domain.Topping
XII. field string
Adds a private string field to an existing
Java source file.
field string --fieldName
The name of the field to add; no
default value (mandatory)
The name of the class to receive
this field; default if option not present: '*'
Whether this value cannot be null;
default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'
Whether this value must be null;
default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'
The BigDecimal string-based
representation of the minimum value; no default value
The BigDecimal string based
representation of the maximum value; no default value
The minimum string length; no
default value
The maximum string length; no
default value
The required regular expression
pattern; no default value
The JPA @Column name; no default
Inserts an optional Spring @Value
annotation with the given content; no default value
An optional comment for JavaDocs;
no default value
Indicates to mark the field as
transient; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present:
Indicates whether to mark the
field with a unique constraint; default if option present: 'true'; default if
option not present: 'false'
Indicates whether reserved words
are ignored by Roo; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not
present: 'false'
For example : field
string --fieldName address --sizeMax 30
Addon Command
i. addon info bundle
information about a specific Spring Roo Add-on
info bundle --bundleSymbolicName
The bundle symbolic name
for the add-on of interest; no default value (mandatory)
ii. addon info id
information about a specific Spring Roo Add-on
info id --searchResultId
The bundle ID as
presented via the addon list or addon search command; no default value
Spring Roo Add-on
install bundle --bundleSymbolicName
The bundle symbolic name
for the add-on of interest; no default value (mandatory)
iv. addon install id
Spring Roo Add-on
install id --searchResultId
The bundle ID as
presented via the addon list or addon search command; no default value
v. addon list
all known Spring Roo Add-ons (up to the maximum number displayed on a single
Refresh the add-on index
from the Internet; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not
present: 'false'
The maximum number of
lines displayed per add-on; default: '2'
The maximum number of
add-ons to list; default: '99'
Only display trusted
add-ons in search results; default if option present: 'true'; default if option
not present: 'false'
Only display community
provided add-ons in search results; default if option present: 'true'; default
if option not present: 'false'
Only display compatible
add-ons in search results; default if option present: 'true'; default if option
not present: 'false'
vi. addon remove
Spring Roo Add-on
remove --bundleSymbolicName
The bundle symbolic name
for the add-on of interest; no default value (mandatory)
vii. addon search
all known Spring Roo Add-ons
A comma separated list
of search terms; default: '*'
Refresh the add-on index
from the Internet; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not
present: 'false'
The maximum number of
lines displayed per add-on; default: '2'
The maximum number of
add-ons to list; default: '20'
Only display trusted
add-ons in search results; default if option present: 'true'; default if option
not present: 'false'
Only display compatible
add-ons in search results; default if option present: 'true'; default if option
not present: 'false'
Only display community
provided add-ons in search results; default if option present: 'true'; default
if option not present: 'false'
Only display add-ons in
search results that offer this command; no default value
viii. addon upgrade all
all relevant Spring Roo Add-ons / Components for the current stability level
upgrade all
This command does not
accept any options.
ix. addon upgrade available
available Spring Roo Add-on / Component upgrades
upgrade available
The stability level of
add-ons or components which are presented for upgrading (default: ANY); no
default value
x. addon upgrade bundle
a specific Spring Roo Add-on / Component
upgrade bundle --bundleSymbolicName
The bundle symbolic name
for the add-on to upgrade; no default value (mandatory)
xi. addon upgrade id
a specific Spring Roo Add-on / Component from a search result ID
upgrade id --searchResultId
The bundle ID as
presented via the addon list or addon search command; no default value
xii. addon upgrade settings
for Add-on upgrade operations
upgrade settings
The stability level of
add-ons or components which are presented for upgrading; no default value
Backup Command
your project to a zip file
This command does not
accept any options.
ClassPath Command
a new Java class source file in any project path
The name of the class to
create; no default value (mandatory)
Whether the generated
class should have common Roo annotations; default if option present: 'true';
default if option not present: 'false'
Source directory to
create the class in; default: 'FOCUSED|SRC_MAIN_JAVA'
The superclass (defaults
to java.lang.Object); default if option not present: 'java.lang.Object'
Whether the generated
class should be marked as abstract; default if option present: 'true'; default
if option not present: 'false'
Indicates whether
reserved words are ignored by Roo; default if option present: 'true'; default
if option not present: 'false'
Dbre Command
i. database introspect
database metadata
introspect --schema
The database schema
names. Multiple schema names must be a double-quoted list separated by spaces;
no default value (mandatory)
The file to save the
metadata to; no default value
Display database views;
default if option present: 'true'; default if option not present: 'false'
ii. database reverse engineer
and update entities based on database metadata
reverse engineer --schema
The database schema
names. Multiple schema names must be a double-quoted list separated by spaces;
no default value (mandatory)
The package in which new
entities will be placed; no default value
Create automatic
integration tests for entities; default if option present: 'true'; default if
option not present: 'false'
Reverse engineer
database views; default if option present: 'true'; default if option not
present: 'false'
The tables to include in
reverse engineering. Multiple table names must be a double-quoted list
separated by spaces
The tables to exclude
from reverse engineering. Multiple table names must be a double-quoted list
separated by spaces
Include non-portable JPA
@Column attributes such as 'columnDefinition'; default if option present:
'true'; default if option not present: 'false'
Generate CRUD active
record methods for each entity; default: 'true'
Maven Command
i. dependency add
Adds a
new dependency to the Maven project object model (POM)
add --groupId --artifactId --version
The group ID of the
dependency; no default value (mandatory)
The artifact ID of the
dependency; no default value (mandatory)
The version of the
dependency; no default value (mandatory)
The classifier of the
dependency; no default value
The scope of the
dependency; no default value
ii. dependency remove
an existing dependency from the Maven project object model (POM)
remove --groupId --artifactId --version
The group ID of the
dependency; no default value (mandatory)
The artifact ID of the
dependency; no default value (mandatory)
The version of the
dependency; no default value (mandatory)
The classifier of the
dependency; no default value
iii. maven repository add
Adds a
new repository to the Maven project object model (POM)
repository add --id --url
The ID of the repository;
no default value (mandatory)
The name of the
repository; no default value
The URL of the
repository; no default value (mandatory)
iv. maven repository remove
an existing repository from the Maven project object model (POM)
repository remove --id --url
The ID of the
repository; no default value (mandatory)
The URL of the
repository; no default value (mandatory)
v. module create
a new Maven module
create --moduleName --topLevelPackage
The name of the module;
no default value (mandatory)
The uppermost package
name (this becomes the <groupId> in Maven and also the '~' value when
using Roo's shell); no default value (mandatory)
Forces a particular
major version of Java to be used (will be auto-detected if unspecified; specify
6 or 7 only); no default value
The Maven coordinates of
the parent POM, in the form "groupId:artifactId:version"; no default
The Maven packaging of
this module; default if option not present: 'jar'
The artifact ID of this
module (defaults to moduleName if not specified); no default value
vi. module focus
focus to a different project module
focus --moduleName
The module to focus on;
no default value (mandatory)
the assembly goal via Maven
This command does not
accept any options.
a full clean (including Eclipse files) via Maven
This command does not
accept any options.
ix. perform command
a user-specified Maven command
command --mavenCommand
User-specified Maven
command (eg test:test); no default value (mandatory)
x. perform eclipse
Sets up Eclipse
configuration via Maven (only necessary if you have not installed the m2eclipse
plugin in Eclipse)
This command does not
accept any options.
xi. perform package
the application using Maven, but does not execute any tests
This command does not
accept any options.
xii. perform tests
the tests via Maven
This command does not
accept any options.
xiii. project
a new Maven project
The uppermost package
name (this becomes the <groupId> in Maven and also the '~' value when
using Roo's shell); no default value (mandatory)
The name of the project
(last segment of package name used as default); no default value
Forces a particular
major version of Java to be used (will be auto-detected if unspecified; specify
5 or 6 or 7 only); no default value
The Maven coordinates of
the parent POM, in the form "groupId:artifactId:version"; no default
The Maven packaging of
this project; default if option not present: 'jar'
Data On Demand Commands
a new data on demand for the specified entity
The entity which this
data on demand class will create and modify as required; default if option not
present: '*'
The class which will be
created to hold this data on demand provider (defaults to the entity name +
'DataOnDemand'); no default value
Indicates whether reserved
words are ignored by Roo; default if option present: 'true'; default if option
not present: 'false'
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